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Durbin and Feinstein demand Deputy Attorney General RESIGN over Comey

Democrats are now beginning to call for the resignation of Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein because he won’t appoint a special prosecutor on the Russian investigation.

Democratic Sens. Dick Durbin and Dianne Feinstein are calling on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to resign if no special prosecutor is named to replace ousted FBI Director James Comey in the investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 US election.
“In an interview with NBC News, President (Donald) Trump admitted to firing FBI Director James Comey because of his investigation of the Trump campaign’s Russian connections,” Durbin, who is Senate Minority Whip, said in a statement. “That is dangerously close to obstruction of justice. This morning, the President tweeted a thinly veiled threat to Mr. Comey, which could be construed as threatening a witness in this investigation, which is another violation of federal law.”
Feinstein, a California Democrat, echoed the Illinois Senator.
Democrats are hellbent on this, but even some on the right who want the investigation believe a special prosecutor would be a waste of time. First of all it that means the investigation would begin anew. Another objection is that it’s constitutionally questionable to have such a thing. So even if you think there’s fire here, maybe this isn’t the best way to uncover it.

And sources say Rosenstein is already against it:

Durbin and Feinstein demand Deputy Attorney... bởi Megyn-kelly

BUT, it really depends on who Trump hires as the new FBI Director. If he screws that up, then all bets are off…

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