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Trump to Pirro: Maybe we don’t do press conferences anymore…[VIDEO]

Trump did an interview with Jeanine Pirro where she basically regurgitate his tweet from this morning in the form of a question, asking him if he moves too fast for his communications crew to keep up.


Trump to Pirro: Maybe we don’t do press... bởi Megyn-kelly

Trump said he does move too fast, that he’s moves in a FLASH…then he asked Pirro if she’d ever heard that before because he just made it up.


No he said he does move too fast, and that maybe the solution is to do no more press conferences or maybe he should do them himself every two weeks.

But as Sooper suggested to me, Trump would never do that because it would allow the press to run with their own narrative for two weeks before he got a chance to correct it.
So make of it what you will.

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