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‘This is KILLING Peter to pay Paul!!’ – whiny liberal cries about AHCA

you gotta see this whiny liberal Xeni Jardin crying about how the AHCA is going to kill all the babies that liberalism hadn’t gotten the chance to kill yet.

 Watch below:
‘This is KILLING Peter to pay Paul!!’ – whiny... bởi Megyn-kelly

Wahh wahhh wahh. This is the stupidest and most irrational emotionalism. Liberals tell us how horrible and terrible and evil America is – UNTIL they want something from the government. THEN they whine, “this isn’t the America I know!!!” Uh, excuse me, but we’ve only had Obamacare for a few years – was America a wretched evil place before that? Was it ONLY good under Obamacare? What a bunch of BS…

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