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The New York Attorney General is all hot and bothered because he thinks it’s unconstitutional for the AHCA to stop funding Planned Parenthood. SO he’s going to sue if it passes the Senate.

The New York Attorney General is all hot and bothered because he thinks it’s unconstitutional for the AHCA to stop funding Planned Parenthood. SO he’s going to sue if it passes the Senate.

Watch below:

NY AG says AHCA is unconstitutional, will SUE... bởi Megyn-kelly

Of course his claims are a lot of crap, but it depends on Roe vs. Wade being decided poorly in the first place. Bad law begets bad law. Based on it’s long precedent already in the law, this objection probably has a chance to stand in the Supreme Court. UNLESS some liberal justices kick off and Prezzy Trump is able to finagle another Gorsuch on SCOTUS. And THEN we’re talkin!!!
Also, is Schneiderman wearing eye liner or something?! Is he some kind of GOTH Attorney General, or hipster AG?! That won’t fly in my court, counselor….

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