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PATHETIC: Andrea Mitchell DEMANDS HHS Secretary DEFEND picture of white male congress members

Was bad enough when people were whining on Twitter that all the GOP congressmen in a picture were white males, but that doesn’t mean MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell has to take it up as a serious objection.

Watch below:

PATHETIC: Andrea Mitchell DEMANDS HHS Secretary... bởi Megyn-kelly

This is just stupid and ridiculous. And the logic of it is utterly self-defeating. Because if you’re telling me that whites cannot represent the interests other races, and males cannot represent the interests of the other 58 genders, then guess what?! NEITHER can those other options represent whites, or the two normal genders!! SO nobody should vote for anyone other than those of their race and gender, and we should have 100% segregated elections under this idiocy.

So, once again, shut up Andrea Mitchell. Your liberal bias is a pre-existing condition that utterly corrupts your supposed journalism.

One caveat: Some people take the “white genocide” narrative a little too far. You’re not being “genocided” if people criticize that your party isn’t terribly representative of demographic changes. These are mostly alt-right snowflakes whining incoherently.

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