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“I know this to be a fact!” – BillO explains WHY Trump fired Comey

BillO was on the Glenn Beck Radio Show today talking about the firing of James Comey, and he explains why Trump fired Comey.


“I know this to be a fact!” – BillO explains... bởi Megyn-kelly

BillO explains that Trump fired Comey because he simply did not trust him, which he says that he knows to be a fact.
I’m guessing he and Trump were discussing this over milkshakes at a baseball game, LOL!
BillO then went on to explain why Trump didn’t trust Comey:

  1. He didn’t like the fact that Comey is unpredictable.
  2. He didn’t like that Comey wouldn’t aggressively investigate the leaks that have plagued his presidency.
  3. He didn’t trust Comey to do an honest investigation of Russia.
That’s in a nutshell why BillO says Trump fired Comey, and my guess is that he probably knows what he’s talking about because he’s close to Trump.
He also has not so nice things to say about both Trump and the media.

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