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“In less than SEVEN years we’ll be in a SINGLE PAYER SYSTEM” – Krauthammer

Krauthammer believes we are at the midpoint of a major health care overhaul, arguing that the expectations of the American people have changed given the last few years of Obamacare.
In short he predicts that in less than seven years America will be on a Single Payer system

(It’s cued up to 5:24)

“In less than SEVEN years we’ll be in a SINGLE... bởi Megyn-kelly

I’m not sure how much the expectations of the American people have changed, but it is clear that Republicans are more moderate than ever and are completely unwilling to even repeal Obamacare. Just give them a few years and they’ll be arguing for the very single payer system that Krauthammer predicts.

The whole thing is insane when you think about it.

Also, some of you will mention how Trump just praised Australia’s single payer system as being better than ours. Well he stands by that, pointing out that he was referring to Obamacare:


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